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The Secret Ingredients to Grow a Healthy Brand

  • Writer's pictureNicole Powell

Don't Get Confused With All Those Logo Files

Updated: May 29, 2023

"EPS, JPG, PNG! What do these letters mean?!"

We've all been there. Today, I want to make sure you don't get overwhelmed when you receive brand and logo files from the amazing graphic designer you hired.

In order to get your money's worth and to feel like your investment is worth it, you need to learn when and how to use the files you've just been given. There's a reason why you've received so many because there's no such thing as "one file fits all."

So when should you use which file type anyway? What’s the difference between web and high resolution? What if you need to use your logo over a photo?


Let's start with file types. Who knew three letters could cause so much confusion, right?! When your designer or agency sends your final files, chances are they will include the following items. To spare you all the technical talk, I've broken down what each file is and when to use it. Enjoy!

EPS – This is a vector file, "meaning its appearance is defined by a mathematical formula instead of a bunch of dots or pixels."

You should always have an EPS version of your assets as it has scalability and can be used on a variety of different mediums and platforms without losing its quality.

Oh, and EPS have transparent backgrounds!

Sample Uses:

  • Billboards

  • Signage

  • Print ads requiring a logo with transparent background

  • Specialty printed business collateral (i.e. business cards)

  • Brochures

  • Promotional materials (t-shirts, water bottles, etc.)

JPG – Without overcomplicating it, let me just say this... JPG files don’t have the same scalability as vector files, so be cautious using it for large print items. Always know the JPG's size so you don't enlarge it past its size limit. JPGs are created with a size in mind and if you stretch them past their intended size, you'll get a fuzzy or pixelated image.

Remember, JPGs have a white background behind them and are not transparent. Try not to use a JPG if the application has a colored or graphic background, because then you'll see that pesky white box behind your logo.

Sample Uses for a high-resolution JPG:

  • If your website header and background is white

  • Letterheads

  • Invoices or Purchase Orders

PNG – PNG files usually have a transparent background so they're great for use over colored backgrounds, photos, patterned backgrounds, etc. Reminder: PNGs should be used for digital or web applications only.

Sample Uses:

  • The header of your website is colored or a graphic

  • Canva

  • Photos

GET EXCITED! You're ready to unveil your amazing branding to the world!

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Nicole Powell

Meet Nicole Powell, an expert whose journey spans from Manila to the Midwest, helping businesses transform into profitable and brag-worthy brands with research, creativity and neuroscience. With a determination to uplift fellow entrepreneurs, Nicole draws from her experience and mentorships with industry leaders for the past 15+ years. Her mission is clear: pay it forward, sharing the knowledge and skills she's acquired to empower others.

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